Mid Hudson Valley Table Tennis Club (MHVTTC)
The MHVTTC in Kingston NY is the only USATT affiliated table tennis club in the Hudson Valley, and is the largest coordinated contingent for the sport in the region. Currently the club meets once per week at the YMCA of Kingston & Ulster County. We are very passionate about table tennis and part of our mission is to further promote this amazing sport within the county and neighboring areas. Club details regarding where and when we meet can be found on the FAQs link on the left. If you have any interest in playing or even watching, please stop on by for a visit. Hope to see you there.


Robert Euvino

The Mid Hudson Valley Table Tennis Club meets every Thursday evening, unless noted otherwise.
5:00 - 9:00pm. 

Come when you want, leave when you want! 

You can now walk in and pay at the front desk (keep in mind we also collect a small $5 surcharge down in our playing area), or you may register in advance for the table tennis program via the YMCA website. Details can be found on the newly created navigation link (left hand side) labeled 'Register', or by clicking here. 

Questions? Contact Robert at [email protected]
or by phone - 908 420 4085.

'If you don't know the difference between table tennis and ping pong, you've been playing ping pong.'

Happy Traum
5/9/1938 – 7/17/2024

On behalf of myself and the club, we bid a tearful good bye to Happy Traum. There’s little I can say that hasn’t already been said about Happy. Those who knew him well, and those who had only just met him came away with the same impression. Beyond the musician and performer he was known to be…just what an amazing man! 

Such a warm and gentle presence. Patient. Soft spoken. Wise but always humble. A teacher who never stopped learning. Friendly doesn’t even begin to cover it, but it could have
been his name just as easily. I befriended Happy long ago, in the gym where we both belonged. Much to my surprise I discovered he and his wife Jane were the force behind the musical instructional videos known as Homespun Tapes. Videos I had discovered in the pages of Keyboard Magazine,
and then eagerly purchased and consumed long before the internet existed.  Many years later, and without knowledge that I knew her husband, Jane contacted me in regards to taking table tennis lessons. The rest is, as they say, history. Prior to COVID, they were both steady regulars at our club. I ended up working not only with Jane and Happy, but with their grandchildren as well. Despite table tennis being a focal point, they truly embraced and treated me as family. For that I am so very grateful. Just to put a point on the type of man Happy was, whenever he'd hit a winning shot on the table, rather than gloat he would - how can I describe it - he would give a glance that was just short of an apology. As if he shared in your pain of losing the point he just earned. They say the good die young. And while Happy was 86, a more youthful octogenarian I have yet to meet. It applies here more than ever.

Condolences to the entire Traum family. We cry with you.

 Happy, strum in peace my friend.  

The Traums, center in photo below.

Chip & Gus
a comedy with balls

Just got back from a two man play. Well, two men and a ping pong table. Highly recommend!

Heads up for a great evening of entertainment. Must see. Limited opportunity - only runs (locally) through October 6th. Wonderful, intimate theater in Catskill NY. 

Bridge Street Theatre
44 West Bridge Street
Catskill, New York

Funny, smart, beautifully written and acted...and of course some serious pong skills. Keeping the ball moving as well as they do while delivering lines at an impressive pace, I was left with the palpable sense these guys shared real history together. Check it out while you can. You won't be disappointed. Follow the link below for more details.


